Aus dem Gutachten der Jury bei der Verleihung des "European Academic Software Award 1994" für das Fachgebiet Physik an das Programm xyZET in der Version 1.04:
xyZET is a tool to set up physics simulations in three dimensions. The user can place particles inside a cube and can give them mass and charge. The forces between the particles can be specified as either elastic or electrical, their strength can be varied after the specification of the initial state. Future states of the system are calculated according to the laws of physics and are displayed graphically. The user may change his viewpoint at any time without interruption of the program to inspect the system under different viewing conditions. By stressing the atomic constitution of matter, the program helps to avoid misconceptions which are induced by the early introduction of the rigid body.
The program makes good use of modern windowing techniques and interactive control. But even more important is the insight attained by the user through modelling the system and by the excellent visualization.
Aus "Computing in Science & Engineering" zum Gewinn des "CiSE Software Contest 1999" für das Programm xyZET in der Version 2.2:
...The 3D capabilities make this program unique. The controls are easy to use and obvious to a new user. The program encourages user experimentation, for instance, you can quickly change the kind of force that is acting on a particle in real time and thus immediately compare the effect of a magnetic field to that of an electric field.
...The program's strength - enabling users to visualize complex and difficult physics processes - helps students aquire a conceptual understanding of these topics.