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Unit 11 

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Transgenic animals.

This unit can be used to consider some of the issues surrounding the uses and potential uses of transgenic animals. It starts with a brief outline of the techniques used to transfer genes in animals and then provides materials for classroom activities that consider some of the implications. Guidelines and background materials are provided for two role play debates, one considers the use of transgenic mice in medical research, and another the use of transgenic salmon for food. Finally there are classroom materials outlining the true story of Tracey, the first transgenic sheep to produce a life saving medicine in her milk.



  • Definition of genetically modified animals
  • How genes are transferred to animals
  • Other considerations

Disease models

  • A mouse against cancer

Human food

  • The somotoris salmon

Production of pharmaceutical products

  • The alpha-1-antiproteinase sheep

The future

  • Future plans
  • New developments
  • New directions