Horst Bayrhuber, Jürgen Mayer (Eds.)
Empirical Research on Environmental Education in Europe
Münster: Waxmann, 2000. 156 S.
ISBN 3-89325-1893-0
25,51 €
The public education system
belongs to those social institutions
which contribute to fostering
competences essential for ensuring
Sustainable Development. Which
basic competences are required for
this purpose and to which extent are
the education systems adapted to
foster such competences? Aiming at
answering these questions, empirical
research projects have been carried
out in many European countries.
The researchers have been
concerned with reasoning and
acting according to sustainability as
well as with the scientific knowledge
required for that.
The book presents recent empirical
studies in the field of environmental
education conducted in various
European countries and Israel. The
research projects were concerned
with the general question of the
basic competences required for
fostering Sustainable Development.
In this connection analyses on students’
prior knowledge, students’
reasoning and conditions of environmetally
oriented action were
carried out.